
Leila Delimi - Eye Go - Diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Leila Delimi

Founder and CEO

of Eye'go

Human and his Diversity

Drawing on more than 26 years’ professional experience, in human relationships and management in a multicultural context as a guiding principle.

My method

A systemic approach to the organisation that ensures customer satisfaction and the company’s strategic alignment.


Referenced CNFPT “Centre national de la fonction publique et territoriale”.

logo CNFPT

France Compétence certified trainer.

logo France compétences

Areas of intervention

Diversity & Inclusion

Organisational management

Prevention of psycho-social risks & ISO 45001

Diversity & Inclusion

Organisational management

Prevention of psycho-social risks & ISO 45001

Human Resources

Human Development

Quality of life and working conditions

Optimising HR processes

Developing human capacity

Quality of life and working conditions

International Human Resources Management (IHRM)

Who am I?

My name is Leila DELIMI, I provide advice and support to companies and organisations to develop an inclusive culture by promoting the diversity of profiles and ideas to create an fair working environment conducive to co-construction. My approach to diversity is both human and cultural.

The strength of each human being lies in his/her difference also called Singularity. It is :

an unlimited source of creativity and innovation, and a major force for the future of any organisation.

Since childhood, I’ve loved interacting with others. Extrovert and curious by nature, I have always been asking lots of questions. For me, knowledge and understanding are the first steps towards tolerance and respect. On a professional level, this has given me the ability to work in a multicultural context and to maintain excellent interpersonal relationships.

Listening to others has given me a better understanding of human beings, their needs and their emotions.

The television program “Cities of Gold” amplified this curiosity about others. Dispite the background of the conquest of the New World and its treasures ; this tv show was about a quest for identity through a journey back to the hero’s homeland. I realised then the importance of sef-awareness.

Indeed, knowing who we are and where we come from, enables us to build strong foundations in the present for a better future.

I have also developed a passion for the history of cultures and civilisations. Beyond the visible differences, I have identified the similarities and the links between individuals and their ecosystems.

Leila Delimi

Business Strategy and Human Projection Consultant
who am i

Get to know yourself better to maximise your employability.

With a background in literature and linguistics, I had limited my areas of jobresearch to those that corresponded to my initial training, before opening up to the world of industry. My experience has shown me that while technical skills can be learned over time, knowledge of oneself and one’s own qualities, known as ‘soft skills’, is essential for developing self-confidence and employability, especially in a constantly changing professional environment.

An unusual, rich and formative career

What do you want to do when you grow up? We’re asked this question from an early age. While some of us have no idea, others have a very specific idea that they will put into practice when they grow up… Personally, I have had several career aspirations. My career path is marked by these various ambitions.

When I entered the job market, the norm was a permanent contract. Taking a path paved with several experiences, as was my case, was falsely considered by some people as a sign of instability. However, the diversity of my professional environments and the positions I’ve held have enabled me to develop technical and cross-disciplinary skills, but above all a lot of soft skills.

Diversity has been a powerful lever for development, fulfilment and self-fulfilment. This led me to create my own business after validating my qualifications in Human Ressources with a Master’s degree in 2019.

atypical career
My Commitment
" Impact positivly the society and the workplace by promoting a better live it and working together. "